Thursday, March 6, 2008

REALLY Fast Happening

Well now, looks like Neal ain't going to be unemployed for more than another 18 hours. Starting the new J-O-B tomorrow morning. Got another "screw you" letter in the mail from the "Career" I interviewed for. I'm optimistic and thankful that God has provided for me. I'm still not certain this is going to be a long fruitful career, but who knows what's in store. Everything happens for a reason.

Talk about a roller coaster of a day, and it's not even 1:30pm. My emotions have been up and down, excited, disappointed, and even angry. I broke yet another shovel in the flowerbed, man that ticked me off. Thank goodness it had a 1 year warranty. I went ahead and got a new one that was one step above the previous...I'm on my third tier in the world of shovels. This one has a 10 year warranty.

On to lunch, need to unload a truck full of dirt and get cleaned up to work at The Station again tonight. Peace.

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