Thursday, March 13, 2008

Terrific Thursday

I have to say that I had my first really good day in a while. This morning was pretty productive at work, I wasn't critiqued or treated like a dummy, hopefully that's a sign for things to come. My extended lunch break involved finally getting the money I was owed (well most of it) from my previous employer. I'm not going to waste neither your nor my time describing the roadblocks and detours I experienced in this attempt, as far as I'm concerned it's over and done, and man is that a HUGE burden off my shoulders! I'm on cloud nine tonight, might even throw something on the grill to celebrate! Could only be better if my wonderful wife were here too, she's still in Ohio visiting her grandparents; her grandma had surgery on Monday and sounds like everything is going great now! Can't wait to see my wifey Saturday night! Ok, enough mushy stuff for tonight, lol.

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