Monday, March 3, 2008

Low Fuel Light

I guess it's time to explain the title here, "Low Fuel Light." I don't know if it's the redneck at heart talking or not, but I felt the best way to describe life in the present was with a pickup truck analogy. So here goes...

So I'm cruising down the dirt road of life, running strong, doing my best when the warning sign hit. It wasn't a check engine light, low volts, or oil pressure idiot light that went off, it was the low fuel light. The heart and guts of my life are in full working order, giving it all I've got, and I realized I was running low on a key supplement. Fuel.

Now this metaphorical "Fuel" may vary from week to week. It might be a lack of peace and quiet, fishn', or my sports fix. The initial motivation behind my "Low Fuel" mantra is a lack of work and cashflow. After giving my all for over a year at my previous job my hours were cut, paychecks shorted, my own employee's checks were bouncing and when I confronted Hitler and Stallin on the subject they lashed out and fired me two days later.

I'm putting that perdition behind me and moving forward with my head held high. I know there's a whole lot of horsepower under the hood, and the filling station is around the corner.

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