Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hump Day

Well it's been a while since my last blog post, I noticed a few of the last were looking more like my 10th grade journal "Mr. G" made us keep. I'll have to tell you the story about my MLK Jr. project I turned in for his class. Back to the posts....less journal, more sarcasm, I'll quickly recap the days since my last post:

Got my new Blackjack II, LOVE IT. Thanks AT&T.

My 'rents came down for Easter, wifey joined the Catholic church, great times. Yes, I'm Catholic, living in the Bible Belt. Reminds me of a joke my buddy Theus told me: "What's the difference between a Baptist and a Catholic? The Catholic will talk to you in the liquor store..."

I met Theus' imaginary friend, his name is Zap. Apparently he's real, and knows all the same people I know, was at the same places I was, yet we've never seen each other. Will have to investigate that one further, quite possibly over cold beer.

Landed a job, as ya'll know. Landed a career tonight. Things will be interesting here very quickly. I'm sure I'll blog about it. (Did you know that the spell check in Blogger tells me that both "blog" and "blogger" are spelt wrong?)

Looking forward to Saturday, Hooters Pro Cup BF Goodrich 250 at South Georgia Motorsports Park. Taking my buddy Kirk for his birthday. (Oh and going to the Home and Garden Expo with the wifey in the morning...maybe we'll win a lawn mower or something)

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