Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lost an Hour

Well it was time for the clocks to spring forward, didn't really feel the effects of the lost hour like in years past. The weekend wasn't too shabby.

Worked my first day at the new job on Friday, it was actually kind of depressing. I guess the harsh reality of today's recession began to sink in. Here I find myself with a bruised ego, working under folks with half of my experience and no sign of an education even remotely comparable. Not to mention I made more money per hour when I worked for a grocery store in college. I have to keep reminding myself that it's better than unemployment and the right career is going to come along. I'm trying to stay positive and swallow my pride.

Worked at The Station Friday night, and again Saturday night. I always enjoy being there, helping customers, talking with the regulars, and of course Bryan, Betty, and Lisa. (There Lisa, I mentioned you on my blog).

This morning I dropped the wifey off at the airport, she's gone to Ohio to help out after her grandma's surgery tomorrow. Keep them all in your prayers. I'm also dog-sitting for Wendy and Jeremy till Tues night. Will probably be a week of meals eaten off the grill, either that or chocolate lucky charms, ha.

I'd better get to bed, was tired earlier, now I'm exhausted. Remind me to complain about my cell phone tomorrow.

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