Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gravity's Gone...

One of my favorite songs, by the Drive-By Truckers states: "So I'll meet you at the bottom if there really is one, they always told me when you hit it you'll know it. Well I've been falling so long, it's like gravity's gone, and I'm just floating."

That's how I feel when dealing with customer service, tech support, and warranty with AT&T wireless...

AT&T has been trying to get a software update sent to my phone for over 2 weeks. Everyone (up until tonight) had been more than courteous and kind, other than making me jump through the same hoops 4 or 5 times. I think I powered my phone on and off more in the last two weeks than I had all the times before added together. So finally they said I could get a new phone. Their customer service dept. was great, tech support was great, but the warranty department apparently had a chip on their shoulder...I think it was because I have mastered the English language, and she obviously was still struggling. If you ever have to talk to AT&T's warranty department "Shetulur Andzet" means Cellular Handset, and "Cerveza Ensure Rumpshins" means Service Interruptions. Just thought I'd let you know. So they're sending me a new Shetulur Andzet, and you'd think that would be the solution to all my problems, however the rep said they couldn't guarantee that the new phone would have the mandatory "software update" already installed. Genuis huh? I even offered to let them send me a "downgrade" or refurb phone. We'll see how that goes...

Oh yeah, got mad sick Monday night. Something I ate obviously was NOT cool Monday. Either McDonalds or Pizza. Woke up in the wee hours and it ALL came up. In fact it came up so traumatically that I busted blood vessels in both eyes and around both eyes. It looks like I have two black eyes, eyelids discolored, dark underneath, and a severe case of "red eye." It kinda hurts when i look up or down or left or right, but not a stabbing pain. WebMD says to give it a few days, so I'm giving it a few days. One of the ladies at work told me today that just looking at my eyes made hers water...great attribute for any man huh? Able to make women cry just by looking at them, ha.

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