Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hump Day

Well it's been a while since my last blog post, I noticed a few of the last were looking more like my 10th grade journal "Mr. G" made us keep. I'll have to tell you the story about my MLK Jr. project I turned in for his class. Back to the posts....less journal, more sarcasm, I'll quickly recap the days since my last post:

Got my new Blackjack II, LOVE IT. Thanks AT&T.

My 'rents came down for Easter, wifey joined the Catholic church, great times. Yes, I'm Catholic, living in the Bible Belt. Reminds me of a joke my buddy Theus told me: "What's the difference between a Baptist and a Catholic? The Catholic will talk to you in the liquor store..."

I met Theus' imaginary friend, his name is Zap. Apparently he's real, and knows all the same people I know, was at the same places I was, yet we've never seen each other. Will have to investigate that one further, quite possibly over cold beer.

Landed a job, as ya'll know. Landed a career tonight. Things will be interesting here very quickly. I'm sure I'll blog about it. (Did you know that the spell check in Blogger tells me that both "blog" and "blogger" are spelt wrong?)

Looking forward to Saturday, Hooters Pro Cup BF Goodrich 250 at South Georgia Motorsports Park. Taking my buddy Kirk for his birthday. (Oh and going to the Home and Garden Expo with the wifey in the morning...maybe we'll win a lawn mower or something)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


This will be quick tonight, just wanted to share the jubilation. Called AT&T again this afternoon, they tried once again sending the software upgrade, unsuccessfully I might add. They wanted to try the wait 24 hours thing and call me back tomorrow...stood my ground and they're sending me a new Blackjack II, FREE (even includes express delivery at no additional charge).

So I lied yesterday when I said, "Angry Today & Tomorrow." Now that tomorrow is today, I'm happy.

To my dear friend Alex, thanks for talking me into that piece of **** phone... without you, I wouldn't be getting a free blackjack II :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Angry Today & Tomorrow

Yeah, that's what AT&T stands for, at least for me these days. I'll be brief, I've already explained for two + weeks they tried updating my phone, and it won't. I need a new software version that they can't send to people who live in Valdosta (so they told me).

I thought I had the answer to all my problems when they agreed to send me a new phone last week. Got the phone in the mail today, was quite excited, I opened it up and realized...

My new phone has the bogus software version too.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Terrific Thursday

I have to say that I had my first really good day in a while. This morning was pretty productive at work, I wasn't critiqued or treated like a dummy, hopefully that's a sign for things to come. My extended lunch break involved finally getting the money I was owed (well most of it) from my previous employer. I'm not going to waste neither your nor my time describing the roadblocks and detours I experienced in this attempt, as far as I'm concerned it's over and done, and man is that a HUGE burden off my shoulders! I'm on cloud nine tonight, might even throw something on the grill to celebrate! Could only be better if my wonderful wife were here too, she's still in Ohio visiting her grandparents; her grandma had surgery on Monday and sounds like everything is going great now! Can't wait to see my wifey Saturday night! Ok, enough mushy stuff for tonight, lol.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Today Could Be the Day!

If you live in Georgia you've seen the commercials for the Georgia Lottery..."Today could be the day!" Well today was my day! No, I didn't hit a million dollars or anything like that, but when I got gas today I bought a 2 litre coke (which is only 10 cents more than a 20oz...ludicrous) and I bought a $2 scratch off ticket. Scratched 10 of the 12 numbers off and on the 11th I hit a "Lucky Leprechaun" and won all 12 prizes! First thought was, "how cool if it was going to be $100 times 12," and then I remembered the last time I "won all 12 prizes" it turned out to be $12, lol. So I scratched a prize off and it was $6, so was the next one and the next and the next. End of the card: $72! Not a bad turnaround for my investment. I'm going to open an account on E-Trade later tonight now that I'm such the investment tycoon. I haven't been watching the market as closely as I used to...but i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Gravity's Gone...

One of my favorite songs, by the Drive-By Truckers states: "So I'll meet you at the bottom if there really is one, they always told me when you hit it you'll know it. Well I've been falling so long, it's like gravity's gone, and I'm just floating."

That's how I feel when dealing with customer service, tech support, and warranty with AT&T wireless...

AT&T has been trying to get a software update sent to my phone for over 2 weeks. Everyone (up until tonight) had been more than courteous and kind, other than making me jump through the same hoops 4 or 5 times. I think I powered my phone on and off more in the last two weeks than I had all the times before added together. So finally they said I could get a new phone. Their customer service dept. was great, tech support was great, but the warranty department apparently had a chip on their shoulder...I think it was because I have mastered the English language, and she obviously was still struggling. If you ever have to talk to AT&T's warranty department "Shetulur Andzet" means Cellular Handset, and "Cerveza Ensure Rumpshins" means Service Interruptions. Just thought I'd let you know. So they're sending me a new Shetulur Andzet, and you'd think that would be the solution to all my problems, however the rep said they couldn't guarantee that the new phone would have the mandatory "software update" already installed. Genuis huh? I even offered to let them send me a "downgrade" or refurb phone. We'll see how that goes...

Oh yeah, got mad sick Monday night. Something I ate obviously was NOT cool Monday. Either McDonalds or Pizza. Woke up in the wee hours and it ALL came up. In fact it came up so traumatically that I busted blood vessels in both eyes and around both eyes. It looks like I have two black eyes, eyelids discolored, dark underneath, and a severe case of "red eye." It kinda hurts when i look up or down or left or right, but not a stabbing pain. WebMD says to give it a few days, so I'm giving it a few days. One of the ladies at work told me today that just looking at my eyes made hers water...great attribute for any man huh? Able to make women cry just by looking at them, ha.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Not Surprised At All

Well it's Monday evening, came home, checked the mail: Netflix, Direct Loans, Credit Card offer, and no paycheck. My separation papers stated that my "Final paycheck will be mailed on Friday, March 7th, 2008." One would think that if it were actually mailed out on Friday it would make it across town in one day. So maybe they missed the mailman on Friday (which is expected as they always pay their employees AFTER the banks close), and if they missed the mailman Friday, well that would mean my paycheck would go out first thing Saturday morning right? Considering the office is across the street from the post office, one would think it wouldn't be a problem to mail out the paychecks, bills, etc. I would assume they irresponsibly waited until today to get it in the mail. Let's hope it comes tomorrow. I said I was moving on, but I guess I need that final paycheck to be the last nail in the coffin...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lost an Hour

Well it was time for the clocks to spring forward, didn't really feel the effects of the lost hour like in years past. The weekend wasn't too shabby.

Worked my first day at the new job on Friday, it was actually kind of depressing. I guess the harsh reality of today's recession began to sink in. Here I find myself with a bruised ego, working under folks with half of my experience and no sign of an education even remotely comparable. Not to mention I made more money per hour when I worked for a grocery store in college. I have to keep reminding myself that it's better than unemployment and the right career is going to come along. I'm trying to stay positive and swallow my pride.

Worked at The Station Friday night, and again Saturday night. I always enjoy being there, helping customers, talking with the regulars, and of course Bryan, Betty, and Lisa. (There Lisa, I mentioned you on my blog).

This morning I dropped the wifey off at the airport, she's gone to Ohio to help out after her grandma's surgery tomorrow. Keep them all in your prayers. I'm also dog-sitting for Wendy and Jeremy till Tues night. Will probably be a week of meals eaten off the grill, either that or chocolate lucky charms, ha.

I'd better get to bed, was tired earlier, now I'm exhausted. Remind me to complain about my cell phone tomorrow.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

REALLY Fast Happening

Well now, looks like Neal ain't going to be unemployed for more than another 18 hours. Starting the new J-O-B tomorrow morning. Got another "screw you" letter in the mail from the "Career" I interviewed for. I'm optimistic and thankful that God has provided for me. I'm still not certain this is going to be a long fruitful career, but who knows what's in store. Everything happens for a reason.

Talk about a roller coaster of a day, and it's not even 1:30pm. My emotions have been up and down, excited, disappointed, and even angry. I broke yet another shovel in the flowerbed, man that ticked me off. Thank goodness it had a 1 year warranty. I went ahead and got a new one that was one step above the previous...I'm on my third tier in the world of shovels. This one has a 10 year warranty.

On to lunch, need to unload a truck full of dirt and get cleaned up to work at The Station again tonight. Peace.

Fast Happening

Well I've got some good news, I interviewed for a job here in Valdosta this morning. I got about 6 blocks away and my cell phone rang, they offered me the position. It'd be an exciting adventure, I'm certainly eager to get back into the design field, however I was hoping to have the opportunity to leap into a "career" not a "job."

I'm hoping to hear something soon from the career I applied and interviewed for last week. I'm sure the Man upstairs has a plan, I just sit anxiously waiting for it to be revealed. Keep the prayers coming, I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Need Tylenol

Yeah I've got a fever...race fever. The NASCAR Sprint Cup is coming to Atlanta this weekend. It'll break my Hot-Lanta streak of 6 straight races in Atlanta, certainly the down side of unemployment. I'm just glad I didn't buy tickets and a camp site already. Talk about a guilt "trip"... pun intended.

Same sort of event happened in January. I had already bought my tickets to the 2008 NHL All-Star game, right before I got a 32% pay cut at work. I felt pretty bad going and having a good time while my world's greatest wife stayed home and worked two jobs. I have to say it was one hell of a good time, met my "cousins" from Denver there and we had an absolute blast. (They're actually Sara's cousins but as good as blood to me!) I won't carry on too much more on these topics. I know I have a diverse reader base on this blog, but I'd bet ya'll would much rather read about something other than NASCAR or hockey.

So the low fuel for the evening is missing the race weekend, and the proverbial Tylenol will be enjoying the race on my flatscreen with a close friend or two, might spring for a steak to grill out.

Tonight's blog is sponsored by The Station, Valdosta's best kept secret when it comes to a quality package store. Brian and Betty who own the store are some of the most genuine good people I've come across in this town. They take a lot of pride in their store and have certainly helped me through these tough times with extra part-time hours. Next time you need to grab some cold beer for the big game or other spirits for your get-together go see Brian and Betty.

The Station
602W Hill Ave
Valdosta, GA

(Just across the railroad tracks coming from I-75, where Hill Ave. Splits to One way on the edge of downtown Valdosta.)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Good Signs

...and good signs usually lead to good times. That's my optimistic story and I'm sticking to it. Picked up an extra shift at The Station, might work open to close. That's a blessing.

This morning I ran a few errands, helped a friend fix their wireless internet at their house and stopped by Lowe's to buy a rake. (By the end of this flowerbed project I should have every tool a yard would need). I made sure to mention that I went to Lowe's rather than saying something generic like the "hardware store" or something of the sort. I also didn't want anyone to consider that going to Home Depot was a possibility. I refuse to shop there, but that's another post in itself.

The third errand was to drop off my resume and portfolio at a place here in town that's hiring. They just called and set up an interview for 9am Thurs. Now this opportunity would probably be a "job" not a "career." Still waiting to hear back from the "career" I interviewed for last Friday. Either way, wish me luck.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Green Street

I watched Green Street Hooligans tonight. Really was a great movie, not much of something the gals would get into, a little violent. I've found that as I've grown up, woke up, straightened up (whatever you want to call it), I get a lot more out of books and movies than in my younger days. Even in books I've re-read for the second time years later. Anyway, that was the long way around to saying that I got a quote out of the movie that I liked and can relate to:

"Once you've taken a few punches and realize you're not made of glass, you don't feel alive unless you're pushing yourself as far as you can go."

Ya'll take from that what you will, or if discussing it suits your fancy, we'll discuss it. That's all for today class.

Low Fuel Light

I guess it's time to explain the title here, "Low Fuel Light." I don't know if it's the redneck at heart talking or not, but I felt the best way to describe life in the present was with a pickup truck analogy. So here goes...

So I'm cruising down the dirt road of life, running strong, doing my best when the warning sign hit. It wasn't a check engine light, low volts, or oil pressure idiot light that went off, it was the low fuel light. The heart and guts of my life are in full working order, giving it all I've got, and I realized I was running low on a key supplement. Fuel.

Now this metaphorical "Fuel" may vary from week to week. It might be a lack of peace and quiet, fishn', or my sports fix. The initial motivation behind my "Low Fuel" mantra is a lack of work and cashflow. After giving my all for over a year at my previous job my hours were cut, paychecks shorted, my own employee's checks were bouncing and when I confronted Hitler and Stallin on the subject they lashed out and fired me two days later.

I'm putting that perdition behind me and moving forward with my head held high. I know there's a whole lot of horsepower under the hood, and the filling station is around the corner.

Gone Fishin'

Well my fishing trip up to Paradise lakes went well. Was a beautiful day, sunny mostly, got up to about 80. Just a great day outdoors, nice, quiet, and peaceful. Caught one fish, a gar, threw that toothy beast back in the water. Yard work now, storms coming tomorrow.

First Post

I've always been the sort that if I didn't think of it first I wasn't going to jump in on the idea. I suppose I've been boycotting blogs just for that reason; kinda like how I boycotted Facebook, Adobe Illustrator, McDonalds etc. I was pretty inspired by an article I read in INC. magazine and now I'm blogging. (a lot of articles in INC. magazine inspire me, just thought you should know that) So here's my first blog post. It's getting late and I'm going fishing in the morning. I'll explain the "Low Fuel Light" after I catch my limit.