Friday, April 18, 2008

First Week

Well I wrapped up my first week at my new career. Made some friends, enjoyed working with them, learning and helping out. I've got a few big tasks coming up this next week, working on a new marketing package for the owner, and they're handing a few problem clients over to me. I've got to step it up and work hard, but not too hard! I've learned from my other professional experience you can't set the bar too high, or there's no where to raise it to come pay raise time.

Well here I go again, all serious and no sarcasm. I'll try to add some wit and humor in my next post.

One more thing. Say some prayers for my new friend and co-worker Rosemary, she's battling breast cancer and can use the prayers!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Hey! I am so proud of you. I am so happy to see that you might have found something that will allow you to start to find the path of your career!! Love ya!