Monday, May 5, 2008

Been a while

Yeah, ain't posted here in a while. Been busy with the new job, busy with my side business, my other job, softball, etc.

Had a good weekend, went turkey hunting Saturday morning, didn't see any on OUR property. Saw some serious signs of the next Hog-zilla. That beast has dug a hole in the woods like a backhoe. I'd love to have a hog head up on the wall in my guys' room.

Race was good Sat. night, watched it with some friends, enjoyed good conversation over door-stops, I mean hamburgers.

Sunday was church, eat, nap, eat, eat, sleep. Hell of a good day :)

Cheering for Pittsburg and Dallas in the conference finals this week (NHL). Can't stand Detroit. Don't really have any beef with Philly, but gotta root for former Thrasher, Marion Hossa and pens.

1 comment:

Sara said...

umm no hog heads in our house please!!