Thursday, April 3, 2008

Softball, there's a lie

Yeah, the ball's not as soft as I remembered it...or maybe its the fact that my glove has one of those fake signatures of a pro baseball player in it, and that player is Reggie Jackson. Yup, the 1977 World Series MVP. All the padding is worn out of that glove, lol. At least I caught the ball...most times.

Batting was another story. My first batting practice I hit 4 balls over the left field fence. Well, the fence that went out to left field...the ball actually crossed over the fence between the batter's box and the dugout. Yeah, that's me, the guy who sent kids scattering 4 or 5 times. Second batting practice I hit a few all the way to the grass, of course they all would have been outs because the outfield was standing on the edge of the infield. Yeah, I'm rusty.

I'm familiar with working out or going skiing and hurting like hell the next day. Well, practice was over at 10, and I'm already sore. Maybe this softball thing will get me back in shape, but how many pounds can you shed riding pine? Ha.

I had a good time and I'm looking forward to our first game next tuesday. Don't everyone show up at the same game to laugh at me. Let's spread it out some. :)

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