Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well our church league softball playoffs start tonight. 8pm game, possibly playing again at 9:15 depending on who wins and who loses. Hopefully we just win and play another night, because I don't feel like lifting weights at 11:30pm, but I will if I got to.

Speaking of the weights, on week 5 of my new diet and exercise program...I'm trying to think of a good name for it considering I built it myself from a combination of multiple workouts and research. Might be the next big thing. Results have been pretty good so far, adjusting my schedule for week 6 and the following weeks, trying something a little different. Pulled a pair of jeans from the closet this morning, first time I'd worn them since they were washed and they fit loosely, that's a plus...usually have to "break in" a pair of freshly washed jeans.

Dinner time, Southwest Salad of some sort, my wonderful wife "made up" the recipe as she went along. Should be good.

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