Saturday, February 28, 2009

local, regional, national

Just a random thought I didn't want to tweet or throw up on facebook. I think it's about time to dig that national campaign out of my recycle bin. (actually I think I lost it when my laptop crashed but I can recreate it soon).

Companies started hearing the recession word spread last fall and started cutting their advertising and marketing budgets (like fools) but instead of blowing me off, potential clients are starting to listen to what I have to say. I can see it in their eyes that they are realizing they need to do something. That's good...for us both.

I have another "outside the box" idea that's something completely unlike anything the gears in my head have spit out before. But I can't share that with just anyone. (although it's probably safe on my blog, I think my wife is the only one who actually reads this)

Oh, and you know something else. I got the best compliment on friday from a colleague. They said to me, "I wish I had your ambition." I guess when I start burning myself out it's good to see and hear someone out there sees what I'm doing and admires it. Some day I'd like to be in INC. Magazine, I know it's a long shot, but all have dreams right?

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