Friday, April 18, 2008

First Week

Well I wrapped up my first week at my new career. Made some friends, enjoyed working with them, learning and helping out. I've got a few big tasks coming up this next week, working on a new marketing package for the owner, and they're handing a few problem clients over to me. I've got to step it up and work hard, but not too hard! I've learned from my other professional experience you can't set the bar too high, or there's no where to raise it to come pay raise time.

Well here I go again, all serious and no sarcasm. I'll try to add some wit and humor in my next post.

One more thing. Say some prayers for my new friend and co-worker Rosemary, she's battling breast cancer and can use the prayers!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

So icy it's HOT!

I remember the days when Icy Hot was a great sports aid, needed for those hamstrings and quads pulled on a blustery 35 degree day playing soccer in October or for that shoulder muscle pulled because I hung on the rim too long after dunking on a fast break. Those were the days!

Now it's the days of being out of shape and overweight. I played Catcher in game three of our softball season, didn't even do anything very strenuous, just squatted my fat ass down for a few innings and I can't walk or tie my own shoes! The guys on the team are going to get a whiff of my Icy Hot and offer me a membership in AARP....

It's a little over an hour before game time, I've already soaked in a hot tub, applied a generous layer of Icy Hot and I'm going to stretch until I leave, then stretch until game time. I'll let ya'll know how the game goes.

Friday, April 11, 2008

We got skinned

Well, game 2 of the season and we got beat 19-3. I led off the second inning with a base hit, then slid into second trying to break up a double play and with it came all the skin off my my left leg from my shin to my knee. Hurts like a b****! I broke up the double play so it felt like it was worth it...until the game ended two innings early because we were down 16...Sigh.

Thanks for you votes on the t-shirt designs. I appreciate the majority voting for my personal favorite..."Slugger Jesus" but the team picked the crossing bats.

You were right honey. :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Team Softball Shirts

Alright folks, I've designed 3 different shirt ideas for my Church League Softball Team. Over on the right ya'll can vote for which shirt ya'll think is best. We're also looking for a sponsor to help pay for the shirts. We'll put the business name or logo on the back above the numbers. Holler at me if you're interested. On to the shirts (will be printed on Gray shirts):

Monday, April 7, 2008

Reggie Ringslinger

Another t-shirt design I thought turned out pretty sweet. It's for a fraternity's annual horseshoe tournament. Wanted an Indiana Jones Donkey. LOL

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Softball, there's a lie

Yeah, the ball's not as soft as I remembered it...or maybe its the fact that my glove has one of those fake signatures of a pro baseball player in it, and that player is Reggie Jackson. Yup, the 1977 World Series MVP. All the padding is worn out of that glove, lol. At least I caught the ball...most times.

Batting was another story. My first batting practice I hit 4 balls over the left field fence. Well, the fence that went out to left field...the ball actually crossed over the fence between the batter's box and the dugout. Yeah, that's me, the guy who sent kids scattering 4 or 5 times. Second batting practice I hit a few all the way to the grass, of course they all would have been outs because the outfield was standing on the edge of the infield. Yeah, I'm rusty.

I'm familiar with working out or going skiing and hurting like hell the next day. Well, practice was over at 10, and I'm already sore. Maybe this softball thing will get me back in shape, but how many pounds can you shed riding pine? Ha.

I had a good time and I'm looking forward to our first game next tuesday. Don't everyone show up at the same game to laugh at me. Let's spread it out some. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

We've Got Spirits!

Had a funny idea hit me when trying to come up with catchy ideas for a T-Shirt design for The Station liquor store where I work on the weekends. Thought this was pretty dang funny: